Tracy Edwards’ historic all-female Whitbread crew made her a national hero. Now reunited with yacht, Maiden, she explains to Donna Eastlake why she still believes Anything is Possible
Tracy Edwards is for many a sailing legend. At just 26 years old, she inspired a generation of women and changed the opinions of many men, as she skippered the first ever all-female crew in the 89/90 Whitbread Race, finishing second overall in her class, aboard her beloved yacht, Maiden. The achievement saw her awarded an MBE.
Following the race, however, financial issues meant that Tracy was forced to sell Maiden and carry on life without her. Until, that is, she received a phone call from Eden Marina in the Seychelles in 2014.

“The marina manager called me saying Maiden had been abandoned and, although they’d been looking after her as best they could, they couldn’t keep her any longer.
“They recognised that she was an important boat and so they didn’t want to see her scrapped. They basically said, “If you can pay the money owed on her, she’s yours.”
I imagine it’s hard to see such an important yacht, not just to Tracy, but to the thousands she inspired, so neglected. “I couldn’t believe it. I knew her owner had basically been running her into the ground. He’d gone, and you won’t believe this, but he’d gone in search of secret pirate treasure in the Indian Ocean.” I burst out laughing. “I know, it’s ridiculous” she says smiling, “but he believed there was treasure there and he had decided to dedicate his life to finding it. So I said to the marina, ‘arrest the boat and I’ll find the money.’”

So how did she feel when she was reunited with Maiden after so many years? “I couldn’t stop crying. I’d been told she was in a terrible state but I was shocked to see just how bad she really was. I just couldn’t believe he’d let her get that way. I couldn’t wait to get her home.” It’s easy to see how important Maiden is to Tracy. There’s sadness and frustration when she talks of the condition she’d been left in, but then her whole face lights up when she’s talking about her restoration.
I guess that raising the money to get Maiden back was just a formality. She’s a famous yacht and holds an important place in sailing history. I realise how wrong I am when Tracy puts her head in her hands and laughs in a way that tells in it definitely was not.

“It wasn’t easy at all. I knew it was going to be hard, but I didn’t think it would be as hard as it was. It has been a real struggle. In the end, after lots of appeals for help, the marina gave me a deadline to raise the money and that was it. The best way to get me to do anything is give me a deadline. I basically called everyone I could think of and said: ‘You’ve got to help me.’ The Jordanian Tourist Board came in first. There was a real link there as King Hussein of Jordan had given us the money back in 1989. He’d given us our motto too; he’d said: ‘Tracy, With Faith, Honour and Courage, Anything is Possible.’ He really believed in us, so I wrote it on a postcard, and stuck it up in the nav room during the race. It kept me going.
“So anyway, one day, out of the blue, Princess Haya bint Hussein, the late King’s daughter, called me directly. She said she remembered me and Maiden, and her father being so proud, and she wanted to know what she could do to help. My response: ‘We need money, we need a lot of money.’ She agreed to help in his memory and said it would be his legacy. She’s very much her father’s daughter.”

There’s a real warmth about the way Tracy describes the people who supported her though that first race and continue to support her now. I’m actually meeting Tracy at an event organised to thank the people who gave money to help get Maiden home, and Tracy jumps up to hug and kiss each person as they arrive. There’s no doubting how much their help means to her.
Maiden is currently being restored at Hamble Yacht Services in the exact same shed she was repaired when Tracy first bought her in 1988. The same lift operator even lifted her out of the water when she arrived in April. “It does feel a bit like history repeating itself.” She smiles.

With that in mind, I want to go back to the beginning and find out how Tracy got into sailing, and particularly how she learned the skills to skipper a yacht, as very few women had gone before her. “I fell into it really. It was a mistake. I was expelled when I was 15. Oh God my poor mother.” She again puts her head in her hands laughing. “She suggested I go to Greece, to get some life experience. She was always really adventurous, it made sense to her. So I went to Zhea Marina in Greece and started working in a bar there. It was a great life and I loved it, until one day the skipper, Mike Corns, of Kovalam, moored in the marina, came in and asked if I fancied working as a stewardess on a charter yacht. I jumped at the chance and immediately it was like, I want to do this for the rest of my life. I loved it. So that’s how I ended up crewing on yachts. I worked first in the Mediterranean, on various different yachts, and quickly got the idea that I wanted to sail the yachts I was on, not just work as the stewardess. And I was really lucky; I worked with skippers who took the time and trouble to teach me to sail and show me how everything worked. Then I got an offer to go to the Caribbean and off I went. I spent several years there, crewing around, seeing new places, meeting new people. It was a rag tag journey but it was brilliant. After that, I got into yacht transport, delivering yachts across the Atlantic.”

I assume that sailing came naturally to one of the world’s most famous skippers. She shakes her head smiling, “No it didn’t. I wasn’t a natural sailor. I’ve been really lucky, I found the right people at the right time, people who were willing to help and train me. Everything happened at the right time. And I worked bloody hard!”
“Yes”, I say, “Isn’t the saying your luck increases the harder you work?”
“Yes exactly” she says laughing, “that’s definitely part of it. And I choose great people, that’s my real skill, I’m really good at surrounding myself with great people.”
Tracy may have surrounded herself with supportive, inspiring people but there was still huge opposition to the idea of an all-female crew when she set out on her Whitbread quest. “People were actually angry. They said things like, ‘They can’t do that, what on earth are they thinking?’

“I knew they’d be resistance but I was shocked at the level to which people believed women should not be sailing across oceans. Bob Fisher actually said, ‘If they get halfway around the world I’ll eat my hat.’
“He was very gracious in his response to our completion of the first leg though. He came up to me one day and said, ‘I’m so sorry, I don’t know why I thought you wouldn’t be able to do it.’ He’s actually become one of our greatest supporters.”
And it wasn’t just Bob, Maiden’s crew won the entire nation over. The images of her return into Southampton are incredible. “Six hundred boats welcomed us home. It was amazing. It was a beautiful clear morning and we saw one little boat coming towards us in the distance, then we saw another one, then another, and another, they just kept coming. We thought there must be a race on, until they got to us and turned around to sail with us. It still gives me chills just thinking about it.”

So what’s the future for Maiden? “Maiden’s a special yacht. She draws people to her and so we’re going to use her to help young women and girls.” Maiden’s going to be a teaching vessel, and also be available for corporate events to raise money for the ten girl’s charities The Maiden Factor is partnered with. “It was my daughter’s idea to use Maiden to raise money for girl’s charities. It was such a brilliant idea, I was thrilled. I want Maiden to go on and on.”
Obviously things have changed significantly since Tracy took that famous Whitbread voyage, so is it mission accomplished on gender equality in sailing? She shakes her head emphatically, “No not even close. Don’t get me wrong, a lot has changed, we have things like the Magenta Project now, but so much is still to be done. Dee [Caffari] said that some of the women in the Volvo Ocean Race were asked to compete for free, and don’t get me started on the America’s Cup; they have built boats women aren’t strong enough to sail.”

Still reeling from the Volvo Ocean Race comment, I wonder how she manages to stay so positive and focused in the face of adversity. “My mum always said, ‘Don’t give up today because it might be happening tomorrow’ and so now I can never stop at anything because it’s always in my head that it might be happening tomorrow, I’m so bloody minded.”
Chatting with Tracy is like getting a shot of pure adrenaline; her energy and determination leave you truly believing that Anything is Possible.
We caught up with Tracy, after she was awarded the Sailing Today Sailor of the Year Award at the Southampton Boat Show, to get her reaction: “I just want to say thank you so much to Sailing Today and all who voted in the Sailor of the Year Award. For me the award shows that Maiden is just as special to so many people as she is to me. Maiden reminds me that ‘With Faith, Honour and Courage, Anything is Possible’ and with support from so many wonderful people she will now inspire a new generation to strive to achieve.”