The best man overboard recovery procedure is a topic that inspires healthy respect among sailors…
For many, in fact, it is a question that provokes outright fear, and it’s not hard to see why. Offshore, far from help, or even for shorthanded coastal outings, the prospect of finding and re-embarking a member of the crew lost over the side is daunting.
Now, my intention here is not to explore the best MOB technique to use. I’ve asked Simon Jinks of SeaRegs Training in Plymouth to provide a brief step-by-step guide instead. He outlines the RYA’s official man overboard procedure below.
We’ll tackle two scenarios: recovering a conscious and able MOB and getting an unconscious or unable casualty safely back aboard. Nothing beats practicing the drill yourself, the more so if you are planning a challenging voyage or a bluewater crossing. But at least you’ll have a good oversight of the equipment that can help you.
Man overboard procedure
Actions 1: Initial
- Shout and inform others
- Mark the position/ get visual/ spotter
- Sheet in mainsail/ stop the boat/ heave-to
- Press the DSC button on the VHFStart heading back to the MOB
Actions 2: Prep
- Furl headsail
- Check for lines over the side
- Start engine
- Ready throwing line and retrieval equipment
- If you have the crew – make a Mayday message
Actions 3: Retrieval
- Either go downwind and approach into wind; or
- Stay upwind and drift downwind with main centred
- Use ahead and astern to keep position
- Pick up on the leeward side
- Stop engine once alongside (or near alongside)
If the MOB is conscious and able, recover with…
- Ladder astern or over side
- Jib sheet or line over the side to make a loop for use as a step
- Recovery sling using a halyard or block and tackle
- Scrambling net draped over the side of the boat
- Jonbuoy
If the casualty is unable to help themselves, try…
- Parbuckling device such as recovery sail
- Scrambling net (used to parbuckle)
- Launch liferaft and get them in it to protect from the water
- Send someone in water in drysuit attached to line/halyard to assist casualty into sling (high freeboard, large yachts)
In reality, says Jinks, an unconscious casualty is not so different from an incapacitated one. “Making initial contact will probably require you lassoing them with a sinking line, just as you can with a mooring buoy,” he says.
“If they have a Lifesaver loop on their lifejacket, then it’s easier to get a lifting device onto them. When the casualty is alongside, you are dealing with two things that are moving – the boat and the person. If you don’t get a line on them you will drift away in seconds.”