Rupert Holmes previews the 2024 Round The Island Race and explains how to get the most from this spectacular, yet sometimes challenging, day on the water…
The Round the Island Race remains one of the most iconic events of the sailing calendar, enjoyed by both top professional sailors on the international stage and families in modest cruising yachts, many of which take part in no other races during the season.
The first start this year is at 0600BST, just over half an hour before high water Portsmouth, so the tidal stream will already be setting to the west, with maximum strength close to the Island and up to around a quarter of a mile offshore, near Gurnard north cardinal buoy.
The smallest boats will have until around 1200-1230 to clear the tidal gate at the Needles, around 12 miles from the start line. For slower vessels, in the event of a light airs race, the time limit is 2200.

One point that’s rarely mentioned – perhaps because it’s almost too obvious – is that in a race of this length around a substantial land mass there are several significant wind changes during the race. Yet managing each transition is essential and this is where many editions of the race are won and lost.
Key moments include west Solent to Hurst; rounding the Needles and becoming settled on a fast course to St Catherine’s; dealing with big downwind wind over tide conditions off St Catherine’s and handling the transition at Dunnose, just after Ventnor, where there’s often a sharp change into a markedly different wind strength and direction in Sandown bay.
At the start the island end of the line gives the shorter route to Hurst Narrows, saving a few hundred metres, although for later starters the strongest stream at the start is roughly one-third of the distance out from the shore.

In such a big fleet it’s rarely advantageous to press too strongly for starting at the most advantaged spot on the line where tightly packed bunches of slow moving boats create big patches of dirty air. Instead, aim to start close to the favoured spot, but clear of the pack. As well as giving the best chance of clean air at the gun, this strategy also makes it easier to stay in a clean lane as you head down the western Solent.
Keeping in clean air, while remaining in the best tide, can seem like an impossible task at times. However, this is vital to success, particularly for the smaller craft in the IRC fleet that will often be among larger boats from the more cruising oriented classes. The ke is to plan well in advance, particularly for overtaking boats, and be well drilled at changing gear – this will allow you to squeeze above the line of some boats and foot below the wind shadow of others, without unduly sacrificing upwind VMG.
As the starting sequence progresses, the slower boats will have to contend with a faster stream, making it easy to be carried over the line prematurely. If high pressure is dominating the weather, the early morning wind may well be a light north-easterly, making it a light airs running start. If this is the case, be doubly careful not to be early as it may be impossible to return against the tide and there are stiff time penalties for those who don’t – or can’t – return.

Once past Newtown Creek the pace can rapidly accelerate as a result of three factors. Further west the tide becomes stronger, while west and south-west winds tend to funnel in the Needles Channel and can be a full Beaufort force higher than in the western Solent.
At the same time, once past Hurst you’re beyond the shelter of the Solent in these conditions and in a potentially confused wind against tide sea state. If you’re close to needing an extra reef or a smaller headsail when passing Newtown there’s rarely an advantage in delaying, but a risk of a big loss if you have to shorten sail in more difficult conditions later.
It’s therefore important to think well ahead as early as Newtown: will you need to shorten sail in preparation for conditions in the Needles Channel? What about sail selection for the leg from the Needles to St Catherine’s Point?

The strongest favourable tidal streams are off the Island shore passing Yarmouth, until the Sconce north cardinal buoy and then across the Solent, passing close to Hurst Castle.
Fortunately, even in windy editions of the race bumpy conditions in the Needles Channel don’t last for long. After Hurst the strongest stream continues along the north side of the channel right on the edge of the Shingles bank. However, many competitors, including some very good sailors, overstand the Needles, often needlessly throwing away a quarter of a mile or more that can cost many places in the overall standings.
When rounding the Needles whether or not to attempt to squeeze through the narrow gap inshore the wreck of the Varvassi, will vary for boats at each end of the fleet. For the deepest draught vessels there’s no option – they must go outside. However any boat with a draught of less than about 2.6m has, in theory, enough depth to get through the centre of the 60m wide gap between the wreck and Goose Rock, providing there is not a large on onshore swell.

However, it’s worth keeping in mind that this shortcut is a very high risk move for a relatively minor gain. Yet most boats opting for the safe offshore route sail much further to the west of the wreck than necessary – the remain’s of the Varvassi’s boilers are spread over a distance of only 250-300m.
You should only be tempted to take a boat through the gap if not crowded by other vessels that restrict options for manoeuvring. In addition, you need to be well set up on a line for the gap in advance, monitored on an on-deck chart plotter viewed at a detailed scale. By the time the slowest IRC boats reach the Needles, the fleet is usually tightly packed, so there’s less likelihood of being able to find a safe approach to the gap between the Needles and the Varvassi.
In anything other than very light winds the whole fleet will have an adverse tide after rounding the Needles. This can make it tempting to head inshore immediately afterwards. However, this can be a high risk strategy thanks to the towering cliffs of Tennyson Down. If high pressure is dominating this means the sea breeze may fill in offshore first, while a westerly breeze tends to be become detached from the surface as the air is forced upwards over the cliffs, leading to patches of lighter winds inshore.

For most competitors it’s therefore invariable faster to simply point straight towards St Catherine’s after rounding the Needles. This makes sail selection for this leg a slightly easier decision. But don’t expect your foredeck crew to work miracles unless they are hugely experienced offshore racers. For many boats the secret to the transition at the Needles starts with identifying the most likely reaching sail or spinnaker needed back when you’re passing Newtown and getting sheets and halyards set up at an early stage.
With westerly winds you must pick a spot to gybe after St Catherine’s. With this wind direction the breeze tends to bend round the headland, so the gybe is likely to be after the overfalls – but of course there’s no guarantee of that.
As the wind bends it’s to remain at a fairly consistent average strength, albeit with potential for significant gusts, until Dunnose. It then meets the offshore gradient breeze in Sandown Bay, frequently leaving a belt of relatively light and shifty breeze. Managing this transition is also important – be prepared for the wind to suddenly come ahead (40 degree shifts are common here) and for the strength to reduce considerably.

In the early stages of a sea breeze setting up there’s frequently a wind convergence zone with very little pressure between Dunnose and Bembridge. This often slows the front runners, allowing the boats from behind to catch up. The classic example of this was in 2009, when hundreds of boats piled into a giant parking lot approaching Bembridge Ledge buoy.
Watch for a band of significantly stronger winds off Bembridge harbour in typical west or south westerly conditions or with sea breezes on bright and sunny afternoons with high pressure. The wind here funnels through a gap in the chalk hills and is therefore stronger than in Sandown Bay and with stronger gusts – several multihulls have capsized here on previous races.
After Bembridge it’s important to assess where you’ll need to be relative to the Ryde Sands. Most boats arrive here with a foul tide and short tack along the edge of the bank to gain maximum relief from the stream.

Once past Ryde many crews are feeling tired and it’s tempting to relax and take things easy, but Norris Nadgers, the shifty, gusty winds that typically blow off the headland immediately east of Cowes, have yet to be negotiated – and these demand concentration, especially if you’re against the stream and need to remain in shallow water to gain tidal relief.
With many crews loosing energy and concentration in the closing stages of the race, there are often good gains to be made by those who are able to keep functioning to 100 per cent.
Two finish lines are laid off East Cowes – make sure you know whether your class uses the northern or southern line, don’t forget to display dodgers with your sail number, record your time with the sail number of the boats that finish immediately ahead and astern and complete your declaration.

2024 Round The Island Race Crew tips
A key guiding principle is to look after your crew, which simultaneously helps boost performance, while maximising the fun factor and sense of satisfaction. This a long race with an early start and the potential for punishing conditions, whether wind and rain, or unrelenting sun. Appropriate clothing, sunscreen and plenty of drinks and snacks are therefore important for everyone on board.
If you’re looking for a few crew members for your boat or would like to find a boat to crew on, visit and register on the Crew Search Forum on the event website.

Round The Island Race: Key facts and info
What is it? One of Britain’s largest participation sporting events, first held in 1931
Where? Start and finish at Cowes, Isle of Wight
When? Saturday 15 June 2024
Organised by: The Island Sailing Club, Cowes
Distance: 50 miles
Rating options: IRC or ISCRS (Island Sailing Club Rating Systems – FREE to boats without current IRC certificates)
New for 2024: LIVE Stage Leaderboard will show competitors in the IRC and ISCRS fleets their position on handicap after each of the four main race stages. Accessible onboard during the race this fun and useful tool will enable you to track progress and find out how you’re doing against your rivals. There will be Robert Oatley Wine spot prizes for the best improvement on each stage.
Don’t miss: Event partner B&G’s Race Support Programme, which includes video interviews and advice from six top professional sailors, blogs from staff member Ben Meakins who has competed in 25 Round The Island Races, many of them on his 28ft Hunter Impala, plus on-site competitor support.
On shore: The Official 2024 Shoreside Hospitality Venue is on The Parade in Cowes, near the Island Sailing Club (ISC). This includes a Crew Bar, delicious food from local restaurants, live entertainment on stage, the B&G Race Support Truck, ISC Summer Garden, Members Bar and VIP terrace.
Race Briefing: 1800 Friday 14 June on the stage (or Crew Bar marquee in inclement weather)
Prize Giving: 1200 Sunday 16 June on the stage (or Crew Bar marquee in inclement weather)

Official Race Charity: The RNLI has been one of the event’s key partners since the outset, with seven lifeboat stations – Cowes, Calshot, Bembridge, Mudeford, Lymington, Portsmouth and Yarmouth – directly involved for many years. This year, marks the RNLI’s 200th anniversary and funds raised by competitors will contribute directly towards the cost of training volunteer crews at all stations involved. Please donate via the RNLI Round The Island Race JustGiving page.
More info at: www.roundtheisland.org.uk and follow on social media for all the latest news – @roundhtheisland and #raceforall #roundtheisland #roundtheislandrace