Welcome to the March issue of Sailing Today with Yachts and Yachting! Here’s a little glimpse into the latest edition…
“It may still be a bit chilly on the water but the March issue of Sailing Today with Yachts and
Yachting will warm the cockles of your heart as it ushers in a new sailing season. To this end,
we have a selection of sailing stories to inspire you. Close to home, local sailor Don Smith
works the tides through the treacherous Menai Strait while further afield we look at how to
stay Orca safe if you’re heading south towards the Med. We also take a look at how a cruise
to Albanai can save you a fortune in VAT. Aside from that, we look at one of the most action
packed Sydney Hobart races on record and travel back in time with Rod Heikell to the birth
of lflotilla sailing in Greece. All that plus boat tests, gear reviews and top columnists.”
– Sam Jefferson, Editor.
Inside the issue:
Italia 12.98 cruiser/racer on test
Rio Dulce – Guatemala’s hidden hurricane hole
Meet the British Olympic sailing team
How to stay Orca safe off Galicia
Avoid the VAT trap by cruising to Albania
Photo finish in the Sydney- Hobart race
There is tons more in the March 2024 issue of Sailing Today with Yachts & Yachting, out now. Click here to try a single issue or subscribe to the magazine.